Russia and the United States have been in a covert proxy war since the fall of the Soviet Union. Due to America's military space program and its control of the high ground Russia more or less conducted a strategic retreat. No longer being a communist country Russia lured in American technological firms to gain their technology. The firms whose technology was most important to conducting the 9-11 terrorist attacks were Boeing, Honeywell and Raytheon. These three companies were all points of contact to conduct the espionage necessary to remotely hijack the planes on 9-11. ALL three companies were doing business with Russia prior to 9-11.
Wanting to conquer Russia, America under the command of Bill Clinton did not relent and marched the conventional American Army to the borders of Russia. He also launched a guerilla war within Russia in the state of Chechnya. American supported Chechen terrorists hijacked planes, ferries, buses, took hostages, attacked hospitals, launched car bomb attacks and even threatened to attack Russian nuclear power plants. This secret war was conducted in much the same manner as the secret war Nixon conducted in Laos and all in the hopes that Russia would fall to pieces in much the same way the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia did.
The embassy bombings of 07 August 1998 took place two years to the day of the Battle of Grozny 07 August 1996. These bombings were very clearly retaliation for the American attack on Russian Forces in Chechnya. In fact it can be said that ALL of the major terrorist attacks from 27 February 1993 to 11 September 2001 on U.S. assets in were blowback from the secret American policy of covert war within the borders of Russia. Russia started using suitcase nukes on American targets in the 1990's with the 27 February 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center. The WTC-93 bombing was by all accounts a very sophisticated attack, taking out the presidential motorpool, severing the power lines of the WTC and damaging the subway terminal beneath the center. The FBI's crime lab never found chemical residues proving the bomb was urea nitrate.
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The tarps placed over the epicenter of the OKC bombing were put there to cover up the radioactive fallout from the bomb to keep it from being spread by the weather. |
The Oklahoma City Bombing was a suitcase nuclear weapon attack. The Russians struck in the heart of America. These weapons were smuggled into the United States starting sometime in the late 1960's. The Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) was founded around the same time in 1975. Soviet defector Stanislav Lunev claimed that these munitions were built in the 1970's. Bill Clinton in retaliation for the Oklahoma City Bombing approved a Chechen terrorist attack on a hospital in Budyonnovsk killing nearly the same number of people.
The sophistication of the 9-11 attacks show that it was state sponsored. The Russians hacked the autopilots of the planes and used suitcase nuclear weapons planted inside the towers. These attacked demonstrated that while the American military might control the space of low earth orbit that does not change things on the ground.
This Apollo third stage S-IVB designated J002E3 was first reported in the press on the first anniversary of 9-11. It had been in orbit around earth since March of 2002. It shows that the 9-11 attacks were not perpetrated by Bin Laden or Saudi Arabia. Bush was ready to go to full scale nuclear war in response to the attack of 9-11. The American military showed its hand and how they intend to conduct a nuclear war in 2002. Russia is the only reason they would play this card.