Sunday, 31 January 2016

The Intersection of Amnesty International and the CIA

The Intersection of Amnesty International and the CIA

“Look, just understand, they’re [Amnesty International] penetrated by intelligence agents, U.K., maybe U.S., I don’t know, but you certainly can’t trust them.”
                          Dr. Francis Boyle Interview with Dennis Bernstein , Covert Action Quarterly, Number 73 Summer 2002, pp. 9-12, 27

         Amnesty International is an organization with a reputation for being an advocate of human rights. Amnesty International USA has a presence on many High School and University campuses. Amnesty’s focus is mainly on violations of human rights involving torture. It is a large institution that claims to have “1.6 million Amnesty International members” worldwide. It also has links to several CIA related organizations and fronts namely The Ford Foundation, the Asia Foundation, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, the National Council of Churches, World Vision, Hill and Knowlton, the Peace Corps and Praeger Publishers. AI has received funding from the Ford Foundation for years. The Ford Foundation has been used as a front for covert CIA funding according to the Final Report of the Church Committee.

1. CIA Use of Private Foundations, Pre-1967
                    The use of philanthropic organizations was a convenient way to pass funds, in that large amounts could be transferred rapidly, and in a form that need not alert unwitting officers of the recipient organizations to their source. In addition, foundation grants bestowed upon the recipient the apparent “blessing” of the foundation. The funding pattern involved a mixture of bona fide charitable foundations, devised foundations and funds, “front men” drawn from a list of America’s most prominent citizens, and lawyers representing undisclosed clients.
                    The CIA’s intrusion into the foundation field in the 1960’s can only is described as massive. Excluding grants from the “Big Three”---Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie--- of the 700 grants over $10,000 given 164 other foundations during the period of international activities. In the same period more than one-third of the grants awarded by non-”Big Three” in the physical, life and social sciences also involved CIA funds.
                    Bona Fide foundations, rather than those controlled by the CIA, were considered the best and most plausible kind of funding cover for certain kinds of operations. A 1966 CIA study explained the use of legitimate foundations was the most effective way of concealing the CIA’s hand as well as reassuring members of funded organization was in fact supported by private funds. The Agency study contended that this technique was “particularly effective for democratically-run membership organizations, which need to reassure their own unwitting members and collaborators, as well as their hostile critics, that they have genuine, respectable, private sources of income.”
---------------The Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities United States Senate

 Amnesty is a “partner” of another CIA front the Asia Foundation. Some of Amnesty’s Vietnamese “prisoners of conscience” are linked to the CIA.
“Doan Viet Hoat obtained a BA degree in English from Saigon University in 1965. He then taught English at a high school in the Mekong Delta area of South Viet Nam for a year before becoming personnel adviser at Vanh Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon. In 1967, he gained a scholarship from the Asia Foundation and attended Florida State University in Miami, USA. In 1971, he returned to Viet Nam with an MA and a D Phil in education administration and took up a post as vice-president of administration at Van Hanh“.
         Amnesty website does not mention the fact that their Asia Foundation “partner” is linked to the CIA ( Once the intelligence angle enters the picture Doan Viet Hoat’s case can be viewed in a whole new dimension, espionage. The Vietnamese government might have concerns about the CIA operating in their nation in light of the Operation Phoenix revelations that have come out through the years. For those that don’t know Operation Phoenix was the CIA’s counter-insurgency effort to thought police the South Vietnamese that tortured and killed thousands.
         The CIA Propaganda machine i.e. Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe has Five Hundred Hits on its website search engine for “Amnesty International”. Philip Agee defined Radio liberty/ Radio Free Europe as the “CIA propaganda operation aimed at the Soviet Union” and the “CIA propaganda operation aimed at Eastern Europe” respectively or “grey propaganda” (Philip Agee, INSIDE THE COMPANY, CIA DIARY, pages 65&639). The Church Committee says that Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe was staffed by “CIA officers in the key management positions at the stations”, who, “made all of the important decisions regarding the programming and operations of the stations”. This is the modus operandi of the government they control the body of an organization at its head.
         Another Institution that has been named as a CIA asset by the Church Committee that Amnesty International has connections to is the National Council of Churches. Here is a article from the National Council of Churches website:

NEW YORK – Linda Hartke, Director of Programs and Operations for Church World Service, the humanitarian response ministry of the National Council of Churches, has been elected to the national board of directors of Amnesty International USA.
Amnesty International, recipient of the 1977 Nobel Prize for Peace, works for the release of prisoners of conscience (those who have neither used nor advocated violence) and for the end to torture, executions and "disappearances" worldwide. The group has 400,000 members in the United States.
Hartke was one of six board members (of nine candidates) elected in June through a national balloting process. She will serve a three-year term, through 2002.
Her CWS post is a senior executive position within an internationally recognized non-governmental organization, which works in more than 80 countries including the United States. CWS works primarily through local partners around the globe, but is operational in a number of countries, including Cambodia – where Hartke was CWS Country Director from 1992 until June 1997. Based in Phnom Penh, it is the largest of CWS’s overseas programs, with a $2.5 million budget and 75 staff.
Hartke is a member of Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church in New York City, and has served on national and regional boards of her denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and its predecessor, the Lutheran Church in America.

It’s odd but the AI website makes no mention of  Hartke’s links to the National Council of Churches:

Hartke, Linda

Member, AIUSA Board of Directors & Member, Administration/Development Committee
Topics: Corporate Accountability, Grassroots Activism
Geneva , AS

Education: BA, Government, Religion and Biblical Literature, Smith College
Languages: French (basic), spoken Khmer (basic)
Biography: Member, AIUSA Board of Directors; Chair, AIUSA Administration and Development Committee; Member, Executive Committee of the AIUSA Board of Directors; Delegate, 2003 Amnesty International Council Meeting. Coordinator of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance in Geneva, Switzerland. Formerly Deputy Director for Programs and Operations of Church World Service; Country Director of the CWS/Cambodia Program in Phnom Penh; Chief of Staff to US Congressman Chet Atkins (D-MA); Associate Staff Member Budget Committee, US House of Representatives; Associate Staff Member, Appropriations Committee, US House of Representatives. Former Chair of: AIUSA
Crisis Response Task Force, AIUSA Strategic Planning Committee, AIUSA Board of Directors, and NGO Forum on Cambodia. UN Election Observer in Cambodia (1993).

         Many of the CIA fronts have interlocking boards. It’s Strange that a group like AI a human rights organization would take money from an institution like the Ford Foundation that has been used for decades by the CIA, an organization that has murdered millions. Here is a snippet from Philip Agee‘s 1976 paperback edition of CIA DIARY, a man that caused congress to pass a law to stop others that might follow his lead on exposing the CIA:
                    When I joined the CIA I believed in the need for its existence. After twelve years with the agency I finally understood how much suffering it was causing, that millions of people all over the world had been killed or had their lives destroyed by the CIA and the institutions it supports. I couldn’t sit by and do and so began work on this book.
                    Even after recent revelations about the CIA it is still difficult to understand what a huge organization the CIA is. It is the biggest and most powerful secret service that has ever existed. I don’t know how big the KGB is inside the Soviet Union, but its international operation is small compared with the CIA’s. The CIA has 16,500 employees and an annual budget of $750,000,000. That does not include its mercenary armies or its commercial subsidiaries. Add them all together, the agency employs or subsidizes hundreds of thousands of people and spends billions every year. Its official budget is secret; it’s concealed in those Federal agencies. Nobody tells the Congress what the CIA spends. By law, the CIA is not accountable to Congress.
                    In the past 25 years, the CIA has been involved in plots to overthrow governments in Iran, the Sudan, Syria, Guatemala, Ecuador, Guyana, Zaire, and Ghana. In Chile, The Company spent millions to “destabilize” the Allende government and set up the military junta, which has since massacred tens of thousands of workers, students, liberals and leftists. In Indonesia in 1965, The Company was behind an even bloodier coup, the one that got rid of Sukarno and led to the slaughter of at least 500,000 and possibly 1,000,000 people.
                    Amnesty has many characteristics of an organization that U.S. government intelligence agencies could take advantage of, if they controlled it. First of all it is international which gives it access to information from around the world. “Human Rights Activist” would be a great cover for a agent to operate under especially for Amnesty‘s officers which have contact with the top levels of Washington.
         World Vision is another CIA front with a very checkered past that Amnesty International works with in several areas such as diamonds and Child Soldiers. World Vision considering its past is a very strange bedfellow for Amnesty International to be associating with given Amnesty International’s stated Human Rights values. It’s strange that Amnesty issues joint press releases with the organizations that have violated people’s human rights. According to John Judge:
World Vision is one of the notorious non-governmental organizations that function as a de facto arm of US intelligence under current arrangements. Robert Ainsworth's pedigree is impressive: he was a foreign area analyst for the US Department; an advisor in Vietnam during the war there; and chaired an international committee involved in the negotiation of the Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare Treaty of 1973.
The largest contributor to World Vision is the US State Department Agency for International Development (AID), whose program is frankly genocide. Pax Christi, the Catholic human rights organization, has accused World Vision of functioning as a "Trojan horse for US foreign policy.
"World Vision is a far-right evangelical missionary operation that does missionary and "good work" operations in countries where there is a political purpose for it to be there. From its inception, it was rabidly anti-Communist and it focused on refugee populations of people running from countries that had been taken over by Communism. This was from the fifties on.
World Vision had a hand in the movement of the Cubans into the United States and other refugees of revolutionary regimes. When you're a refugee you're cut loose, basically, and pretty much fair game to be manipulated by whoever is willing to give you a hand because you don't have a home or any place to stay and somebody has got to accept you.
World Vision was able to recruit out of these mercenary populations, people who could be politically turned to their intelligence purposes. World Vision served as a penetration force -- not as visible as the military actually going in or the CIA going in -- going in as missionaries and working among the people.
This link between missionary and intelligence for capitalistic infiltration operations goes way back. It was part of the internationalism with the Rockefellers. It's talked about in a book called Thy Will Be Done[4] about Rockefeller, Venezuela, and Latin American Oil, the Summer Linguistic Institute, World Vision and others. But they operated in this way for a long time.
They were paid by the CIA for a long time during the Vietnam War and went into SE Asia -- Cambodia and Laos. Throughout Vietnam they were given U.S. military equipment to use. They still maintain a budget under USAID, which was just (Agency for International Development), which was just a pass-over in order to give the CIA more cover. They ran operations through USAID. The current cover replacing that is the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), which is supposed to be how we're exporting democracy around the world.
But of course, we're exporting exactly the kind of corrupt democracy we have here, which is rigged and manipulated elections and press manipulation in order to keep in power or put in power the people that we want to be in those countries for the purpose of having our investments protected and milking what we can out of the resources and the labor available in any of those countries.
World Vision was part of that scheme and they did some nasty things. They ran the refugee camp in Sabra-Shatilla where the fascist Phalange was allowed in to kill the Palestinians. Moe Dalitz, a Cleveland syndicate mobster, had building operations and construction stuff going on in Miami that the anti-Castro Cubans were hired to take part in. They meld them in -- and so they recruit from them, whoever they can.
They ran the Cuban and Thai refugee camps in the United States. Mark David Chapman -- who eventually shot John Lennon -- worked at the Thai refugee camps out in Arkansas that World Vision operated there. They ran these camps brutally, forcing people into political education against Castro, refusing to feed people, beating people -- by many reports -- and bringing in Alpha 66 and Omega 7 people (the worst of the killing teams -- or murder squads -- of the anti-Castro Cubans in the United States) to run the camps in Florida, Fort Chafey in Arkansas and other places where the Cuban exiles were. These people came in and there were eventually riots in the Cuban refugee camps against their treatment there. This according to legitimate refugee charity workers and organizations that I have spoken to.

Westview Press is another CIA front that has published two Amnesty International’s members.

Some questions for Amnesty International:

I think that we in America live in the most sophisticated and corrupt police state in the world. The Patriot Act legalizes the tactics that the American Gestapo i.e. the FBI used against King. Our government murders dissenters here in the United States. Coretta Scott King in December of 1999 brought a lawsuit against a man named Lloyd Jowers and conspirators unknown. The jury decided that the U.S. government played a role in the assassination King.  She was represented by Dr. William Pepper who had been the lawyer for James Earl Ray from 1988 until his death in 1998. In the course of trying to get James Earl Ray a trail Dr. Pepper asked AI to consider Ray a prisoner of conscience, which was rejected. What was AI’s reasoning behind their decision to reject James Earl Ray as a prisoner of conscience?
There is now a undeniable amount of evidence that the U.S. government has been involved in drug trafficking for the past sixty years. In the 1980’s there was a memorandum of understand between the DOJ and the CIA which basically let the CIA deal drugs in this country. This was exposed by reporters like Gary Webb and confirmed by congressional reports INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999 (House of Representatives - May 07, 1998). Given the facts that we have millions of people in prison for drug possession and government that on the highest levels imports these drugs. Is there a possibility that AI could consider giving drug offenders in the USA prisoner of conscience status?

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