Thursday 2 July 2020


The worst argument made in favor of global warming is the consensus argument. For those who do not know, the consensus argument exhorts people to believe that global warming is real on the basis that majority of climate experts agree it is happening. It is an appeal to authority. This is not a good argument and is not persuasive. It is essentially says take our word on it. A good argument would present the evidence to the layman and let him decide. 

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. The actual logic and reason of the entire global warming I mean climate change, is slogan based. It has nothing that is solid enough to be challenged and defeated. This is the same with the entire covid19 event, clearly being globally executed with astounding levels of synchronisation to an Agenda most people have no conception of. Trump appears to be the solution to the problem, but I fear the entire narrative from start to finish is utterly and completely anmorchestrated fantasy of manmade creation.
