Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Russians Are Now Bombing American Mercenaries And Special Forces On The Ground In Syria.

Reading between the lies told here on CNN we now know that America and Russia are in a hot war in Syria. America following the unconventional warfare script it has followed since at least the Bay of Pigs in which "rebel forces" are trained and led by U.S. special forces to topple governments who don't want to be enslaved by the American Ruling Class are now being confronted by the Russian Air Force. Up until now American Special Forces i.e. Green Berets and SEALS have been going at it against Russian SPETSNAZ in Syria. The Russian intervention with conventional forces represents an escalation that U.S. unconventional warfare troops cannot handle. They will be kicked out of Syria. The gluttonous American Ruling Class will now throw a tantrum over being stymied. America has threatened to attack Russia in their Central Asian provinces. Russia could decide to retaliate with another false flag 9-11 style attack in America. This time it could be suitcase nukes. The America Ruling class will cooperate with the attack by covering it up and telling the American people that it was an Islamic Al Qaeda attack. 

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